Biotox Heavy Metals Detox : Toxic Metals and Weight Loss

Chemicals and toxins initially accumulate in fat tissue. The toxin/body fat paradox is at the foundation of why dieting and losing weight is challenging, if not downright disappointing. Your body will store fat as long as you have high toxic levels. Therefore, it is essential to decrease toxicity levels in order to give the fat a reason to leave your body – permanently.
Toxins and the Body Fat Paradox
Fat is one of the body’s defense mechanisms — the more chemicals and toxins in the body, the more fat the body manufactures as a natural protectant. Some of us celebrate because we carry little or no excess fat. The fact is that this “fortunate” small percentage is exposed to the same levels of toxicity, but with no excess fat to enrobe the toxins which gravitate to the body’s vital organs including the liver, kidneys, and brain. So, in terms of countering body toxins, fat has its upside. But there is a much better defense to toxic living than storing excess weight. That’s the role of Biotox®.
The toxin/body fat paradox is at the foundation of why dieting and losing weight is challenging, if not downright disappointing. Your body will store fat as long as you have high toxic levels. Therefore, it is essential to decrease toxicity levels in order to give the fat a reason to leave your body – permanently.
This is a core failure in most diet plans — they ignore body toxins and focus solely on lost weight. Most diets will deprive your body of essential nutrients necessary to maintain your health and preserve your lean muscle. Any weight loss is primarily a result of lost water and lean muscle. Minimal fat is lost because these “diets” rarely (if ever) address the issue of cleansing toxins from the system. Without proper cleansing the lost lean muscle and water eventually return as fat, thus people are actually fatter versions of their prior selves. This is commonly known as the yo-yo effect.
So what’s the answer to the toxin/body fat paradox? First, we must understand the relationship between toxins and fat. To effectively lose weight, you need to effectively lose toxins. Americans are becoming more aware of the importance of eating sensibly, exercising moderately, drinking sizeable quantities of clean water, consuming quality supplements, and managing their weight. There is no shortage of diet plans. They may each have a slightly different slant, but the same basic formula remains — low carbs, low calories, low fat, low success.
Our diet is much more comprehensive than placing emphasis or restriction on certain foods. In reality, a diet is anything you put into your mouth: food, beverages, the air you breathe, and what transdermally penetrates your skin. Truly ‘dieting’ is being aware of and appropriately moderating what you allow into your body, through all avenues.
Taking this into consideration, do you want to be healthy, clean and lean? If so, you need to modify your lifestyle to incorporate the removal of toxins from your body’s cells. This, in addition to sensible eating and effective exercise, will send you on your way to a lifetime of improved health and wellness. Remember that a toxic body can make weight loss impossible, as toxins contribute to excess weight, cellulite, and the inability to lose weight, even when on a strict diet program.